@inscript I hope that doesn't happen to me...
Right now I am being bitten by some kind occasional key-repeat after a certain amount of lag (though normal typing seems fine) and I can't tell if it's the keyboard, the bluetooth, or something else
Got some feedback on my new blog post. Edited it on my Hackberry Pi while on a walk!
Oh. There is a Python implementation of Liquid. Should I ignore the siren song or should I make a stripped-down single-file checked-in "Jekyll" clone that can build my site?
in the abstracted interpreter. straight up "joining it". and by "it", haha, well. let's just say. My lattis
I wrote my first blog post at work with @Love2Code ! It's about interprocedural static analysis
Hmmm. What if sans-serif?
Test poast
RIP Roberta Flack :(
I know it's a rabbit hole but: any recs for a mechanical keyboard that has the satisfying ka-chunk with none of the high-pitched click? I have two kbs with mx blues and I am looking for something different
You can just *do things*. For example, I put instant coffee powder in my chia seeds this morning,
I compiled (heh) some stuff about generating SSA:
@shriramk do you have a print version of DCIC World? I'd like to buy it for someone and surreptitiously leave it places where I think they might be bored as a way of sniping them into learning how to code
Unbelievable that Google made my Pixel 4a unusable with their battery update and then has horrific Bluetooth stutters on the Pixel 8a. I had a perfectly usable phone and now I can't even listen to music in the year twenty twenty five?! What the *fuck*
Join us playing geoguessr: https://www.geoguessr.com/join/E5MM?s=Url
I am doing Crimes with metaprogramming to generate C++ classes with custom layouts
Scrapscript now has a Real Compiler (TM)
I love (love!) how stupid it is that Uber's navigation speech synthesis pronounces "MA 1A-N" as "Massachusetts one ampere north"
Write parsers. Not too many. Mostly recursive descent.
-- Michael Scott-Pollan(As seen somewhere else but I can't find it)
If you're familiar with differential dataflow (in Rust), can I take 30 minutes of your time to ask questions about using it for static analysis? I'm finding the API confusing
I feel like I should know why and how to use Fenwick trees but every resource does (imo) a poor job at motivating them. What's a cool application?
Had some weird issue with a specific version of Python on my Ubuntu install. Uninstalled it. Machine no longer has a graphical interface. Why? I think I somehow uninstalled KDE?? Reinstalling kubuntu-desktop... wish me luck :(
All AOT compilers are alike; each JIT compiler is fucked up in its own way.
-- Leo Tolstoy
-- Michael Scott
What is the point of __init__ in ChocoPy? It seems like you can't override methods with incompatible signatures, so you can't pass arguments to a subclass __init__. And you already have default values for attributes in the class definition. What am I missing?
I now understand how to implement weakrefs
First 4K monitor. Damn. It's nice.
2025 is going to be the year I write a register allocator. I can feel it
something something orthogonal persistence something something CESK machine
Don't have enough energy right now to be coherent but if it sparks something please add your thoughts
I read https://chrisholdgraf.com/blog/2024/bluesky and decided to make a copy of my microblog in my "kingdom"
I wrote a little Mastodon downloader that runs daily and dumps posts into https://bernsteinbear.com/microblog/
See source here: https://github.com/tekknolagi/tekknolagi.github.com/blob/d5e70c5004ae4606f53b368d4b34757616ed08c6/mastodon.py
test post please ignore
Sometimes when I want to read a straightforward implementation of something I look for a C++ implementation of it. Then I look and remember that The Public for some reason writes the freakiest C++ known to man and I sigh and close the tab
Enjoyed this blog post about type inference and abstract interpretation that I came across this morning
Happy holidays, everyone! Just finished polishing up a post on CPS that I sketched on the plane.
This has been the most productive writing year I have ever had. 18 blog posts, 2 ish papers, editing others posts.
I can partially attribute it to grad school misery but also @recursecenter was an amazing place to write.
Here's to more writing in the future.
First commit to Ruby! 🥳
I'm in the sky, directing a robot to clean my house. That's pretty computers if you ask me
Spent *weeks* thinking my graphics were wrong on my gameboy emulator. No. Turns out I didn't properly stub out joypad support so Tetris was constantly resetting because all buttons were "pressed".
Thanks to https://old.reddit.com/r/EmuDev/comments/q3x3xz/getting_a_white_screen_when_running_tetris/ !!
I did sketchy things to my (broken) gameboy emulator
I've accepted an offer at Shopify to work on Ruby compilers! Excited to continue working on dynamic language runtimes.
POPL 25 has some superb paper titles:
* "All Your Base Are Belong to Us: Sort Polymorphism for Proof Assistants"
* "Do You Even Lift? Strengthening Compiler Security Guarantees Against Spectre Attacks"
You can use C-Reduce with any language
Found out a blog post of mine was made required reading for a lecture on type systems :D
A brief retrospective: @recursecenter is everything I thought and hoped it would be. I really loved meeting and working with people there. I got to learn about a bunch of really interesting projects of all different varieties. Vibes were excellent. Highly recommend.
Has anyone written something like "Algorithm W and Algorithm J are the same, actually" that does a side-by-side of J and W where if you make a Haskell programmer write J using a monad with do-notation you basically get W?
i have learned the term "orthogonal persistence" and i am excited to put a name to the thing that i keep thinking about
On the Universal Relation
yo dawg. i heard you like compilers. @cfbolz made a compiler compiler for... optimizing compilers
(In all seriousness, it's a great post and has a bunch of interesting features like compiling pattern matching!)
we figured out ROWS
turns out it is just MORE LET POLYMORPHISM
River and I wrote about Damas-Hindley-Milner type inference and would love to get your feedback on the blog post
Does anyone have a link to a small, readable CFA implementation? Ideally just 0CFA, not configurable for arbitrary k, but both are fine.
Would any people who know stuff about type inference be interested in reviewing an upcoming blog post about Hindley Milner inference?
Does anyone have a link to that (2020? 2023?) paper that does Hindley-Milner or similar but instead of failing unification, defers checks to run-time? It's not the "blame calculus" one
motivating myself to present by titling my Hindley Milner talk with River "How to Win Types and Inference Variables"
oh that's funny. it's called Algorithm M because it's the top-down version of Algorithm W
There are compilers everywhere for those with the eyes to see.
Had a bit of a Kung Fu Panda moment in interview yesterday
Was having a hard time getting into the graph problem until it was reframed as a compilers (call graph) problem and then it was much more interesting and felt more doable
Do you have a favorite Hindley Milner implementation? Is it algorithm W, M, J, or something else? Does it have any special features? Please share it! Bonus points if you wrote it yourself and wrote about it.
Pythonistas... what is going on here? I've minimized a repro from a larger project where I apparently have duplicates of a type but I am not sure why
My first ever citation :') Thank you to Felix and @sbrunthaler !!!
You should go read their paper. It's quite interesting, and not just because it cites me
You need to be compilermaxxing.
In your FLOP era.
Unbothered. Optimized. In your AVX lane. Thriving.
What's in an e-graph?
Excited to be at Recurse Center in person this fall 2, from Sep 23 to Nov 1!!
RC has been on my mind for ~10 years and I finally threw my hat in the ring
Cheney list copying and union-find both have a notion of "forwarding pointers" and (kinda) "read barriers". What other data structures and algorithms have forwarding pointers?
I am learning about x11 keyboard protocol against my will
Watching someone try to catch a bird—seemingly any bird—with a net and put it in a little carrier.
not me finding myself in an old gameboy emulator thread telling someone else how to solve the bug i am having right now
Had a nice conversation about removing parentheses and that led to a short blog post
Trying to buy a cool handheld Raspberry Pi thing and it's so cool that the launch crashed Tindie
@faehnrich It's a little uggo but in a fun avant garde way?
I made https://github.com/tekknolagi/unk-template for myself
It's kind of fun starring something on GitHub and then watching other compilers people I know see that and then go star it themselves
@faehnrich @mwl have you seen unk? It's shell and awk and it's like 100LOC
@wilbowma Threw my hat in the ring. Cheers!
Anyone have a tiny one-file C implementation of (part of) wasm on hand? Thinking about UM from ICFP 2006
From a friend. We're having a rough time finding it. ~2010:
"Do you recall ever seeing a FP lang where juxtaposition is fn application+currying? Basically Haskell but a more uniform syntax like Lisp... A repo with blog post showing the rules and how you could get nice syntax."
What is the best way to debug a segfault in ASAN's own initialization code...?
I think you can do email->GitHub user mapping even if the email is not listed in the profile or any recent commits by writing a commit with author=email@address and then pushing it. The web UI will reveal the (a?) GitHub username.
I discovered this by accident with no@no.com
I made a redactor tool for my client █████ so that they could be mysterious about their plan to cover ███████████ in glitter.
making berry compote is great because then the whole house smells like berries
has anyone ever put tcc in PLT resolution
so like... if you try to load a symbol from a shared object
it gets compiled and cached
I enjoyed @cfbolz Toy Optimizer series so much that I had to add an entry to it. Check out my post on abstract interpretation of traces: https://bernsteinbear.com/blog/toy-abstract-interpretation/
It's official: I'm looking for PL/compilers jobs. If you have anything interesting, please hmu!
Does anyone have a good (read: small, easy enough to digest) read for compiling out of (factored) CPS to something like C?
just applied for a job for the first time since 2017. what a weird feeling
@indutny it looks like you have a typo in your URL: https://darksi.de/6.smids-and-doubles/
"smids" vs "smis" (the "d"). I have an old link to the one without the "d". If the new link with the "d" is the permanent, intended one, I'll change my link
new post about low-code compiler optimizations
I didn't realize some networks were still ipv6 only.........
On my way to the airport. I had a great time at @pldi ! It was so fun to see old pals, meet internet friends in person, and meet a bunch of new folks. Until next time...!
Is there a way to (reasonably portably) check if a pointer points into .rodata or its equivalent in C? I was making my own section but then I couldn't mark the data const.
How do I figure out why my Pixel 4a battery is horrible? I feel like it's been dying after 1-3 hours of occasional use this week.
Flying out to @pldi today. See you all there!
I got baited into making a page that tracks what projects I think are interesting right now: https://bernsteinbear.com/watching/
I am on acm dot org. wow. wild
Huge thanks to @cfbolz for working with me on this project!!
TCC does support __attribute__(section(...)), actually
I don't have much to add to The Discourse about teaching Git but here is a class I have taught at Tufts and will teach at NEU about teaching yourself to fish by reading docs and building small programs:
The material is almost all free online
If you were to implement DIY object serialization from scratch (optionally modeled after existing protocols) and wanted to support cyclic references, how would you do it? It's not a general library and has a fixed set of data types.
It's so embarrassing when Firefox reopens after crashing and I am brutally reminded of the 25-odd windows I keep open, each with 100+ tabs.
Just saw a guy with a Tux pride flag and a "live free or die" license plate that said UNIX
Somewhat urgent: academics, how do you choose keywords for your ACM/SIGPLAN paper? I can only really find guidance for how to do CCS concepts
The neat thing about the scrapscript native compiler is that it enables deploying a scrap as a (pretty fast) web server in a 660kB Docker container:
For example: https://scrapscript-web-platform-demo.fly.dev/
Which is backed by this code: https://github.com/tekknolagi/scrapscript/blob/064e0baaa42af177000be258a502cdb24b954c81/examples/11_platforms/web/handler.scrap
I've been writing a small scrapscript compiler
Having trouble searching this... how do browsers treat meta http-equiv=refresh for redirects? Is it more of a temporary redirect or permanent? Spec is pretty quiet about this.
and now i close three hundred tabs about projections and aspect ratios and all sorts of nonsense because the triangle is no longer squished 😌
holy crap I had no idea why this was biting me a year ago so I gave up and moved on... turns out it's just a bug! you can't use slots and zero-arg super!
compilers! compilers! free compilers for sale!
Spent 40 minutes chasing a GC bug only to realize that actually it was a syntax error :(
Has anyone made the Money for Nothing JITs for Free joke in a title yet? I feel like yes but I can't find it... Would like to use it
Hey if you're going to email me and ask me to write a tutorial for your YC backed company for some shitty referral-based "revenue sharing" situation? Don't. You have money. Spend it. I'm not entirely opposed to writing sponsored content but this is NOT the way.
I've worked on compilers. I've worked on garbage collectors. Now for the first time I am working on both at once! It's fun!
Maybe this is a silly question, but how do I check that my GPU (a 1080) is being used? There are some graphics things on the web that stutter that probably shouldn't.
Desktop games (e.g. No Man's Sky) seem to work just fine which is why I wonder if it's a web problem
The BB Q20 keyboard is based on the blackberry keyboard and has a RP2040 chip in it. If I can get my hands on one, I plan on hooking it up to a Pi Zero 2 W and a tiny screen to make a little handheld device... with two Pi chips in it!
Camera-ready paper submitted!!
Compiler shirts are 25% off today...!
Feel like I am seeing more of the winapi iceberg now that I know about RtlAllocateHeap and RtlReAllocateHeap and the ntifs.h header which may or may not actually exist
Wonder if anyone's written a comptime/proc macro bitcoin miner into a highly depended-upon Rust package that runs with a limited time budget
Could do a decent chunk of work in CI and on people's computers
I am positively delighted to announce that Dr Wenowdis, my paper with @cfbolz, has been accepted at PLDI SOAP 2024. See you all in Copenhagen!
I think a Phil Collins cover of Time After Time would be a banger
Delighted to announce my first ML paper! You may have seen the writing on the wall when I published my ML/compiler blog posts, but now I'm all in!
In this paper we manage to quantize BitNet even further, producing very small and very fast models:
you may have heard of cooperative multitasking. but have you heard of uncooperative multitasking? that's where i write racy code that stomps on data structures
@wingo do you have by chance a small 0-CFA or k-CFA implementation lying around? I am struggling a little bit looking at the math and I want to get my hands on a tiny extensible core
"My mother always warned me about ssh-ing into strange servers..." -Tom
(re: tmate.io, which is excellent)
I did some very small systems administration and wrote about it: https://bernsteinbear.com/blog/wakeonlan/
I cannot get my little Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W to boot and connect to WiFi and I am going to scream
I do not have a serial adapter or mini HDMI what do I DO
hey sexy lady would be better as a 50 cent song instead of a shaggy song
The GIL can now be disabled on Python's main branch! https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/116338
You know what time it is? That's right. It's time to do some crimes with __builtin_apply()
Does anyone have a link to the blog post that wanted smaller assets for their iOS app and made a logo using some kind of custom glyph thing in TextKit or similar? I have no idea what to search for and it's been bugging me for years
\vspace{-\topsep} is underrated
I think my least favorite thing about OCaml is the refusal to generate to_string functions for collections of built-in types. You know how to serialize this type. I see it in error messages and the REPL. Why won't you give it to me???
What is that old linear algebra .so everyone uses whose source code has been lost to time?
why do i have fifteen million PS/PDF/DVI tabs of register allocation papers open
i have not read any of them
it is still scary
Do you wish your terminal output when running stuff in parallel was nicer?
You too can make that happen with this One Cool Trick:
https://bernsteinbear.com/blog/python-parallel-output/No external dependencies needed!
Are decompilation and automatic symbolic (calculus) integration the same problem?
Is it possible to have a server on fly.io that spins up when you try to ssh in? It need not retain any state if that's difficult. I have a Docker image
Check me here... I can't use require() if I'm in a JS module (ReferenceError) but I can't use import if I'm *not* in a module (SyntaxError)
How am I supposed to reliably load something if this file needs to be used in both contexts??? Losing my marbles
Plantains are banana bread
I will not be taking questions
zed is cool and all but the editor i really would love to see ported to linux is vimr </3
i accidentally a blog post about auto-vectorizing micrograd
lmk what you think
what was that manual collaborative ray tracer project where everyone got a worksheet to fill in a pixel? i cannot find it anymore
fucked a couple of my benchmarks by not cleaning intermediate results
might be 80x faster than i thought
There are tutorials that give a feel for how x86 works by writing some assembly. Are there equivalents for GPUs? Like the A100 or a 1080ti?
I don't have a good mental model for what masks do in Photoshop/Photopea. In my ideal world I can do a hide-able "burn" effect on top of a layer without modifying that layer, but I don't know how to do that. I seem to be clipping the layer somehow. What do
Huh. That's a new one. It's only 55 commits.
Wrote some dynamic analysis for JS code. Tried to exercise the analysis on the test suite of a package. The package downloaded a Rust compiler (!) and started compiling stuff.
That's it. I give up.
Am I losing my marbles or did the word "revspec" used to occur in the Git documentation? I can only find it in libgit2 docs now...
@Sherifazuhur My cousin is doing her PhD in something related... let me poke her and ask
In a malware class... just watched the prof intentionally blow up his VM by running WannaCry. Wild. I'd never seen it before
TIL about git smudge and clean... https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Customizing-Git-Git-Attributes
So I am reading all these docs which talk about creating WebAssembly.Function from JS but as far as I can tell, none of SpiderMonkey, Node, and Bun/JSC define this?
What's going on? Is this still some far-out proposal...???
Just restocked my peanut butter. Didn't have any for a hot minute. Things were a little touch and go. But I think things are now going to be okay
If I have a dataclass Object with a type/kind field and a subclass FooObject, how do I get the FooObject subclass to a) set the type field automatically and b) not require it in initialization of FooObjects?
The CPython experimental JIT is merged!
should i start hosting little PL meetups called Abstract Syntax Tea
Did you know that since (at least) Clang 3.5, Clang has turned the bog-standard signed int factorial into asm that uses vector registers instead of imul??? I did not until just now!
Clang 3.5: https://godbolt.org/z/axP41aMqj
Clang 17: https://godbolt.org/z/4hnrznMfh
GCC: https://godbolt.org/z/zWxxEM5hr
Anyone have a good wasm interpreter written in JS to recommend? I am up to shenanigans
lost my sumac somehow. Unbelievable
Does anyone else see weird typing glitches with the Discord webapp (on Linux)? Sometimes when I am typing it's as if my cursor gets repositioned several characters back and it completely mucks up my sentence by typing in the middle of my previous word
Doing my first bit of Windows programming pretty much ever. Do I really need to manually call strlen and pass 5 parameters if I want to write to stdout?
new programming language implementation just dropped
scrapscript.py: https://bernsteinbear.com//blog/scrapscript/
look i like a lot of music but the wailin jennys are probably my favorite music group of all time
TIL Python 3.10 added "match" and "case" as soft keywords so that you can still use them as identifiers. I was very confused why my code still worked under 3.10!
I forgot these 37 countries existed on a sporcle quiz so here's the trip I'm planning to see them all 🧵
I should start using perkeep
Are there more docs for nanopass (Racket) that are hidden somewhere? Can't figure out for the life of me how to use define-pass
I also don't really know what quasiquote is or what a catamorphism is so maybe that's hamstringing me
Type information for faster Python C extensions: https://bernsteinbear.com//blog/typed-c-extensions/
I'm back with a new post about some work @cfbolz and I are doing to make C extensions faster in PyPy
If there was one use for a machine learning tool in my life, it would probably be LLM-based personal CRM
I more or less need an assistant to read through all my comms channels and badger me to reply to people
But there's no way I'm giving some random company all my email
I want nostr to be good so bad
It looks awesome
But a) it's overrun by bitcoin stuff and b) requires websockets which means c) offline support/p2p is hard
The latter can probably be solved by standardizing some kind of proxy via another protocol but stillSigh
For years, I maintained that I did not really have fashion or interior design knowledge or opinions. Then my partner asked me for some thoughts and BOY HOWDY do I have a lot of *very strong* but apparently *very hidden* opinions.
A friend just got an absolutely terrible reach-out email. If you're a going to reach out to someone else and ask for their opinion, for help, etc, I strongly recommend reading this deck:
If you're a student and you've emailed me asking for advice and I haven't responded, please continue to email me until I respond
I'm not ignoring you, I promise. I'm just overwhelmed by email
Does anyone have a small implementation of delayed code generation handy? Would love to read it...
What function inliners exist for Python?
Off the top of my head I can think of:
* PyPy
* Cinder JITAre there others I'm missing?
20% off compilers t-shirts today!
Tried to upload a PDF and not one but FOUR services silently failed. Turns out it was because the PDF was owned by root. No error messages???
HTML Is All You Need
Here's my grad school statement of purpose, written fall 2021 over 2-3 evenings. It's a bit about me, a bit of a tirade about language tooling, and some research questions. It's incomplete (there's more to ask) but it's a time capsule.
I can't figure out what to search for, but is there a fuzzing library for Python that won't generate random binary data on stdin but instead is a higher level of abstraction, like generating randomly constructed instances of a set of classes? I don't want to roll my own
Guess I am accidentally doing NaBloWriMo. If you want to make a quick 'n' easy custom REPL for your interpreter/compiler written in Python, make good use of the utilities already provided to you: https://bernsteinbear.com/blog/simple-python-repl/
I'm offering HUGE DEALS of up to 30% off on my website this Cyber Monday! Check out all of my discounted blog posts: https://bernsteinbear.com/blog/
I am thinking about posting my grad school Statement of Purpose on my website, mostly because it contains a little performance tooling manifesto in it and people might be interested in that.
What should I consider before just throwing it up there?
The Next 700 Milliseconds: faster garbage collection on large heaps
Has anyone done Standard ML with bidirectional type checking? Since BDSML is right there
Looking for a summer intern for your programming languages/compilers team? Look no further! This Chief Potato is looking for research adjacent PL jobs this summer.
Perks of working with me:
* I write well-tested code and enjoy code review
* Witty banter
* The cat jacketPotential cons:
* I would like to stay in Boston (remote ok)
* I will not shut up about breadFeel free to email or "DM" or send a carrier pigeon if you know my address already.
GitHub student verification requires an image with file size OVER 100KB so here I am padding the file with `yes | head -50000` using exiftool...
I wrote a little thing about destination-driven code generation because I'm nervous to try and write a full register allocator from scratch
I have become quite taken with Mahler's 2nd symphony these days
Check out what I wrote about Ninja and generating Ninja: https://bernsteinbear.com/blog/ninja-is-enough/
Unexpectedly live - watch me fumble my way through making some changes to my blog compiler
Am I totally losing my marbles or does TypeScript not care if you have `SomeEnum.UNKNOWN_MEMBER`? I am seeing no compile error, just silent undefined at run-time.
There was some program that went around recently that (iirc) allowed declaratively specifying a Git repository's commit history. Anyone know what I am talking about and have a link?
Also related was some other tool that did the same but for commit diagrams. But I think they might have been separate...
There are startups that VMs or containers that boot and shut down really quickly. Is there an easy way to run make locally and have my program built on a large fleet and then downloaded? I feel like it shouldn't be too hard to get close enough to my local OS & configuration. I'd pay a couple cents per build if they happened nearly instantaneously & maybe a little more for storage for caching.
It seems like the department's expense reporting requirements are purpose-designed to get somebody to avoid ever filing expenses.
I should not have to manually convert between currencies for every receipt and add screenshots and regenerate my PDF.
People who were at ECOOP 2022: anyone remember a workshop about a generic interpreter that supported abstract interpretation and also "normal" interpretation? I cannot find it on the program website at all.
I want to hook some builtin functions and properties in JS. I tried using Proxy to infect the object all the way down but at some point the spec gets in the way: I can't mess with non-writable non-configurable properties.
Are there any (fairly complete) JS runtimes that allow me to hook into/spy on/wrap builtins in this way?
Right now, I am specifically trying to hook `WebAssembly.instance.exports.[some table].set`
Anyone have pointers to accessible auto-vectorization implementations or blog posts or papers in compilers? Thinking of writing a *very* small implementation for a little language (really just need dot product and add and stuff)
It's such a pity about bandcamp. I really liked that site. I bought some superb music there.
I like when students use silly strings in tests. A lot of people are using "bruh" and I don't know why
Gradescope is such a cool piece of software. I fed it a bulk scan of all the midterms and it split them, categorized the questions, and even assigned students based on the HANDWRITTEN name field! So easy. Ridiculous.
The worst thing about my neighborhood has gotta be the mustard graffiti
If you hire me you should know that I am so prompt. So prompt I accidentally show up to meetings a week early. (oops)
I heard children screaming behind me and my first thought was “oh no, school shooting” but thank goodness they are just running around chasing each other. I hate that that was my first thought.
Overheard: "That's the thing about static analysis. How do we know it's right? God."
This packing strategy is something I've half reinvented independently and it's super useful
Learned the hard way today that neural networks aren’t guaranteed to reach some global maximum. I knew that in theory but when trying to learn the XOR function my network just converged on some not-optimal value. Friend’s suggestion was “try a different random seed”–ick–then “try adding more neurons”. Adding more neurons worked, but failed again on a different seed. I guess I have reached the “poking the pile of linear algebra” stage.
I have a program with trivial data dependencies within a function (all numbers are stored in a big array and there are no loops). Right now I am generating C code and it's fine but is there a better programming language I could generate that allows a compiler to auto parallelize the code?
My apartment building smells like a continental breakfast
Would anyone be interested in reviewing a draft of a post entitled "An intro to compilers for database people"?
Mostly looking for comments on tone and pointers to existing DB research
This looks interesting http://ianhenderson.org/sutf8.html
I wrote my longest blog post yet!
Compiling ML models to C for fun: https://bernsteinbear.com/blog/compiling-ml-models/
Anyone have a link to that blog post that was like "you can't fix your way out of slow architecture"? I cannot remember the exact wording well enough to find it
I don't know how to put this intelligently, but somewhere along the line I internalized that squiggly/curved math notation is scarier than other notation so things like abstract interpretation papers gave me the heebie jeebies. But tbh I think the squiggles aren't inherently complicated. It's ok if the F is a little freaky
I am learning so much from school! From an adjacent classroom I learned that Toxic (Britney) sampled some old Bollywood stuff!! That's so neat.
Holy cow, new .NET performance post just dropped and it's a CHUNGUS (in a good way)
If you have a large amount of C code, is it possible to get Clang to spit out information about nearly-missed optimization opportunities? I wonder if I am missing some because my generated code has functions that are too long or have too many locals, for example. I feel like I saw something about this some weeks ago but I forgot.
Fun reminder: you can get a compiler-related ampersand-type shirt that @rsms and I designed! The fee is the lowest option possible on Zazzle.
Android just automatically turned on ad topics for me. What the hell??? You have to go manually turn it all off
Wahoo, Static Hermes blog post has dropped!
The Python doctest module is neat. Does it have a mode where it replaces the bad/failing output with the actual output it gets? That would be so dope
if it isn't my old nemesis uninitialized variables biting me in yet another new problem domain >:( been the source of my grief for days
WELP, GitHub has officially ruined my enjoyment of feed
@vgel Thank you for the awesome C500 post! I really enjoy small/condensed PL snippets and writing about them.
Currently generating a 40MM LOC C file and throwing it to TCC, which only takes ~20s to compile it. Nice.
I'm no interviewing expert but as a someone who has been interviewed a lot, this feels like good advice
Finally upgrade to Android 13 and my phone starts continuously vibrating
What the hell?
New Ruby implementation on the block...! https://github.com/sisshiki1969/monoruby
I like the questions this post is asking about VM implementations
I have some C++ code that has a templated structure containing a compile-time const array of doubles. Is there a way to tell the compiler to pass the array contents (often <5 elements) in fp registers instead of on the stack or by reference?
People make small NFC tags but does anyone make massive NFC tags?
How is it that I have an ABUS bike lock key to a lock I don't apparently own and no key for the lock that I do own??
Can't believe my favorite Irish trad music group was at a pub right near me last night and I had no idea until today :(
After learning that jq has a bytecode interpreter and also knowing that https://github.com/benhoyt/goawk does too, I kind of want to find some CLI tool to optimize
As far as I can tell nobody has written a blog in vimdoc (compiled to HTML) and that is kind of surprising
So you can write a naive tree-walking code generator and then make it generate somewhat better code by using Destination-Driven Code Generation (Dybvig et al). But the latter is a little finicky to write. Wonder if it's possible to get that behavior "for free" when just writing the naive one through some kind of clever transformation.
Dear Jehovah's Witnesses - please stop going around and asking people to join your Passover celebration. Especially Jews. Thanks.
Zürich time to accordion: 4 days
Unexpectedly long tbh
This new jvns blog post is so good and has a bunch of tips for dealing with The Public: https://jvns.ca/blog/2023/08/07/tactics-for-writing-in-public/
I had been doing "preempt common suggestions" all along so it's neat to see someone who writes so well and prolifically agree with that.
I have a Framework. Didn't know that there is an official desktop conversion case! I might do this to my old (or new) parts as I upgrade...!
Damn. RIP Bram Moolenaar.
Accidentally bought vegan pupusas?? What am I supposed to do without cheese help
I use exclusively dark mode for terminal & terminal text editors but I use light mode for GUI IDEs. Is that weird or do other people do that too
I don't like it when Google Maps lies and says that the bus has departed. No it didn't!! I was right here!
I have four bsky invites and know not what to do with them. hmu
I know there is research on resumable/sporadic computing. I know that NFC exists and transmits a small amount of power. Are there any projects that exist that are tiny computers/microchips that do work whenever they are scanned? Or passively powered some other way?
If you have an iPhone: can you read NFC tags? How?
When I try with S's phone (admittedly, with NFC tag emulation on my Android phone, not a real card), it just consistently pulls up Apple Pay for her instead of showing the NFC data
@noracodes oh, lol, nice
@noracodes Where are you getting the browser? Just downloading latest Chrome?
@noracodes Sorry, I mean how are you getting it to show up? As in, ensuring that the getEnvironmentIntegrity check fires?
The whole house smells like baking bread and I am pretty happy about it
RT k0kubun:
If you're a JIT developer, you need to be aware that gdb's nexti is broken and you *sometimes* need to use stepi even if you're not stepping into anything.
I enjoyed the new Mission Impossible movie. It’s a fun action movie and it has a cast of characters I enjoy played by actors who do a really good job. I had some quibbles with the film, though. They are not thoroughly thought-out:
Unfortunately too long (a couple paragraphs) to post in-line here.
Excited to see more info about LPython: https://lpython.org/blog/2023/07/lpython-novel-fast-retargetable-python-compiler/
I added a link to the new blog post on https://bernsteinbear.com/blog/typed-python/ (which already linked to the main project)
Half of the posts I see are excited about more Intel registers and half are about the superconductor
People who have worked at Google: what is the name of that comment that makes some kind of linter enforce concurrent modification? Like if I modify code section A, then B must also be modified
And is this tool open source?
grumble grumble x grumble grumble
I have lost my little box of Things Which Must Not Get Lost In The Move and that is a Problem
Anyone have a good comparison of RVSDG vs Sea of Nodes they would like to recommend?
current stack ranking of pan-cookable frozen breakfast foods (best to worst):
beyond breakfast sausage
morning star breakfast sausage
... some distance ...
365 plant-based breakfast sausage
JUST eggcooking experience of beyond/morning star are much better. texture/flavor too
Getting lunch at a cafe when all of a sudden drum circle??
PSA: If you buy a Chromecast, Google will make you sign an arbitration agreement to set it up (scummy!) and then you have to manually opt-out by going here: g.co/devicearbitration/optout
Trying to start a fight by wearing my voodoo doughnuts shirt to the union square doughnuts
Does anyone have pointers to literature about designing a JIT so that it can cache code on disk? Does it involve writing a custom linker/loader? Any projects do this other than ART?
After being scared of cottage cheese my entire life, I tried it just now when S offered some.
Verdict: kind of lumpy sour cream/creme fraiche
No longer scared but it's not my favorite thing ever.
Hello everyone welcome from Twitter
@nirvdrum I don't have any literature handy but search for `__class__ assignment` I guess? But basically it means that even if you write a JIT that can speculate on the type of an object, that object's type could change with any random function call. This is mostly limited to cases that make sense, like you can't change the type of a primitive int to something else---the heap layout has to make sense--- but still...
@nirvdrum @truffleruby this also caused us a lot of trouble in Python
Every time I eat peanut butter I fall in love all over again
I wrote a little thing about using types to compile dynamic languages and how it's not as simple as it may seem
Please let me know what you think!
Who's going to PLDI?
GitHub looks different. New bar is kind of off-putting.
Well, I've somehow managed to lose a stack of programming books in my small apartment. So much for finally reading SSA-based Compiler Design...
As a VM implementor, what is your hot take about programming languages?
It’s good news that Caltrain/BART/… got a deal though. Just found out about that.
RIP Instant Pot… hope it comes out of this in one form or another. I very much enjoy the pressure cooker and I didn’t even know until today that they had a bunch of other appliances or had merged with Corning some years ago.
Alright, looks like I got micro.blog to post to both Twitter and Mastodon, which means that this is going to turn into my primary short-form input text box. Nice.
test post on micro.blog please ignore
test mastodon cross-post please ignore
Haven't VLANed my TV yet because I can't figure out an easy way to do that and also cast to it but I trust it so little that I cut power to it when it's not in use
someone outside is playing trumpet in such a lovely way that I thought they were playing the flute
TIL about fopencookie... looks very nice. Wish it were more standard.
Does anyone use Aycock&Horspool "Simple Generation of Static Single-Assignment Form"? Why or why not? https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/3-540-46423-9_8.pdf
just found out Keith Cooper and Linda Torczon (of Engineering a Compiler fame) are married and this is the biggest power couple since i learned about Shriram Krishnamurthi and Kathi Fisler!! holy cow. y'all really just love writing books with your spouses huh
I think I found a great new (to me) static site generator. It's very portable--just shell scripts--and small. Take a look at unk: https://git.sr.ht/~acdw/unk
Ooh, great tip for getting stack traces out of your programs using Valgrind: https://blog.mozilla.org/nnethercote/2011/01/11/using-valgrind-to-get-stack-traces/
test toot please ignore
I love this stuff. Reading about LuaJIT Remake is so so satisfying. Like "oh my god someone is doing it /right/ this time"
@mxshift oof
@mxshift do you have the pixel 4a? I'm also having that problem
today I tried to use something from a different thread that was in thread-local storage and boy let me tell you... it sure is thread-local
Went to see Mahler 2 last night and wow that mf loves the triangle like no other
@nnethercote what happened to callgrind_diff? I see some mailing list messages that mention it from 5 years ago but no trace of it in the source tree. It would be very useful to have right now
Are there other songs that start like Welcome to the Jungle but continue with the same vibe as the intro? I don't enjoy the rest of the song :(
I enjoy that it starts with a single guitar, they continually add new layers, and it kind of sounds ... adventurous?
The power goes out. For whatever reason, the only shelf-stable food you have is peanut butter. At what point do you start to get frustrated that you're only eating peanut butter?
I really appreciate how in the "think & write" pauses injected into the lecture videos (which are valuable on their own), there is very loud dubstep for no reason at all
This is not sarcastic. It made me laugh
Sometimes when I am testing my changes I switch away from my terminal because I don't want to watch it fail
RT @benryanwriter
Note that this Florida bill promising to seize kids from their parents for receiving or “at risk of receiving”treatment for gender dysphoria would apply to anyone “present” in the state, not just residents. So kids could be snatched at a trip Disney World.
Do Erlang/Elixir folks ever say "teamwork makes the BEAM work"?
Hey @subaru_usa why is your new electric car called Solterra and not Electrek? It was right there!
RT @ErinInTheMorn
We told you that gay people were next.Texas SB1443 would ban from school libraries any books that have characters who are of the same sex in a relationship. It also bans trans characters.
It bans website access with the above too.
Don't think they'll stop with trans people.
This looks like a great notes tool with fuzzy search!
RT @hikari_no_yume
wint_t is a real C type. this is not a dril
RT @smarr
Cool, a workshop on debugging and debuggers (DEBT), and of course @ICOOOLPS! https://twitter.com/ECOOPconf/status/1630220901156372480
RT @artistshishkin
Forest hut, 1892 #ivanshishkin #realism https://www.wikiart.org/en/ivan-shishkin/forest-hut-1892
This video is ridiculous and I wish my tools were like this
RT @allan_blomquist
Here's a look at some of our internal programming tools at Tomorrow Corporation!https://youtu.be/72y2EC5fkcE
RT @wxmann
Snow coats the tops of peaks at Big Sur this morning. ❄️ #cawx @NWSBayArea @JimCantore
RT @TLBhit
🎙 Episode 5: parsersEnter the Dragon Book 🐉
RT @NWSBayArea
Reports of accumulating snow coming in this morning from folks in the Santa Cruz Mtns. @ALERTCalifornia webcam showing a dusting of snow near Loma Prieta ~2100 feet. Keep the reports coming! #CAwx
Nuts that putting a footnote inside a table in LaTeX just eats the footnote
RT @dcmayo
A camera's "viewing frustum" is a hard concept for some people to grasp, but when I describe it as "the part of your room you have to clean before a Zoom call," people always get it.
Congratulations!! 🎉
RT @ShriramKMurthi
1/ We're delighted to announce the next release of DCIC. This is a major revision that's been a long time in the making. The quoted tweet thread summarizes the book; the rest of this thread outlines what's new:
RT @rsms
https://til.simonwillison.net/macos/sips https://twitter.com/tekknolagi/status/1627303423132463104
Anyone know stuff about Souffle or Datalog? I cannot figure out what I'm doing wrong in this extremely simple query
RT @Yukizan_
8-1 and 2nd in Swiss going into day 2…. At a loss of words, thank you to everyone who helped me get to this point. Going to give it everything I got tomorrow2位通過でOCICDay2進出できて感無量です、ここまで支えてくださった方に感謝しきれません。明日も頑張ります!!!
RT @laurencetratt
New blog: Why Aren't Programming Language Specifications Comprehensive? https://tratt.net/laurie/blog/2023/why_arent_programming_language_specifications_comprehensive.html
RT @dril
Im getting reports that ohio just agent oranged its own citizens, while you were doing your fucking "Wordle" .
I'm disappointed in you all... Do better
My record is a bit over 200g coupled with cheap wine. Was helping someone get rid of food
RT @tekknolagi
What's the most parmesan you've had in a single sitting? If over 100g please reply explaining
Anyone know how to make Hotspot load hsdis? I can get it to C2 compile a function and print the hex instructions but not disassemble
RT @GalaxyKate
Just sayin', if anyone could write a Keeping up with the Kardashians opera, Mozart could."Is there an older woman shrieking for murder? Yes, good, this'll do fine"
I think my new favorite tool is diffpdf (https://superuser.com/a/287107/62154). I've been wanting something like this ever since hearing about @munificentbob 's tool for building Crafting Interpreters
Learning about e-graphs and this colab ( https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1tNOQijJqe5tw-Pk9iqd6HHb2abC5aRid?usp=sharing) by @Zachary_DeVito , found on the egg website (https://egraphs-good.github.io/) is really great
RT @thingskatedid
1⃣ List concepts
- one thing per bullet point
- here's how i do it
- order doesn't matter
- repetition doesn't matter
- i'm gonna show you stuff!
- no structure
- don't write complete sentences
- each point is a concept
- get all the stuff down
- just notes
- do all this first
🧵 https://twitter.com/GalaxyKate/status/1622783961003966465
What's the most parmesan you've had in a single sitting? If over 100g please reply explaining
How do I write a parser for a very small programming language in Rust
Please, I don't want to know what a http://build.rs is and I don't much care how fast parsing is
I just want the least amount of code and headache possible
RT @andywingo
chris fallin has been doing some interesting design work recently in cranelift around instruction selection https://github.com/bytecodealliance/rfcs/pull/13/files?short_path=eaec9e4#diff-eaec9e420ce24444f724c423e3c78a93525054404ba8c2ac399357f46949315f https://github.com/bytecodealliance/rfcs/pull/15/files#diff-a6f40f0147565e08059519bcccf5c9d931e74e6f197c10cdb49728075ee492c9
Wow, this is such an excellent paper. The prose is clear, it addresses real-world problems, and it proposes interesting solutions.
Well done, @cfallin !!
Had some weird package issue while upgrading Ubuntu to 22.04. It didn't like the "ubuntu-desktop" package. Well, fine, I'll just remove it I guess...
RT @JustineTunney
Today I added support for sendmsg() and recvmsg() to my Blink virtual machine. Suddenly it's now able to run GUI programs. This might make it possible for us to run Linux desktop executables on other OSes and the web using WASM. https://github.com/jart/blink
Himalaya+offlineimap (email) and khal (calendar) are really excellent bits of software.
RT @caraesten
we're gonna keep telling you to say "feed two birds with one scone" until you start saying it involuntarily, because it's BETTER and VERY CUTE
RT @andywingo
new bloggeries: three approaches to heap sizing https://wingolog.org/archives/2023/01/27/three-approaches-to-heap-sizing
TIL you can use i3 with Plasma to mix KDE and tiling windows. I might try this
Watching dd do its work by checking on Dirty in /proc/meminfo
Turns out my USB drive is slooooow
nothing like fedex completely bungling your delivery and then getting a pissed-off voicemail from the carrier
RT @NoraDotCodes
Hey folks! There's a job open on my team at Fastly, working on the Compute@Edge Caching Engine! Personally I really enjoy working at Fastly, and this team is a super fun one if you're interested in HTTP, Rust, cacheing, and performance-critical… https://weirder.earth/@noracodes/109745469832557789
RT @turbolent
Got @rustlang running on Mac OS 9!Thanks to w2c2, the WASM to C89 compiler: http://github.com/turbolent/w2c2
RT @nodefunallowed
Heard joke once: Man goes to compiler club. Says he's depressed. Says writing optimisations are hard. Says he can't be sure that the compiler won't miscompile and forge capabilities. Club says, "Treatment is simple. Virtual machines can reason about types and object layouts.
This once bit me and because I was the TA writing an assignment it bit all my students too
It was so maddening I wrote a blog post about it
RT @SebAaltonen
C++ is such a fine language. I colleague was debugging a bug. A class had two constructors. One taking bool and one a const String&. They passed a string literal (const char*) to contructor. Obviously C++ calls the bool constructor because of built-in pointer->bool conversion :)
Remembered about the song Massachusetts by Ylvis* during the move to Boston. It's better than I remember.
*better known for other work
I want to go back to the world before I learned that HDMI had versions
RT @beadmomsw
10 years without this face, without this voice, without this mind, without this love, without this light.
Ten years.
RIP my darling boy.
Trying to order a pizza on the phone
Me: "It can only be made in a large? Okay, how big is a large? We're only two people"
Host: "Four"
Me: "What? Four? How many inches is it across?"
Host, continuing: "But if you cut it in half it could be eight"
Me: ???
RT @thorstenball
Bram: nah, we're not going to use Lua, new version of vimscript it is
TJ: hold my thermosHe used http://interpreterbook.com to build a vim9script to Lua transpiler so Neovim can keep up with Vim development - so now I can say I had some (tiny) influence on Neovim development 😎 https://twitter.com/teej_dv/status/1613516094299332608
Great article! I've been yammering about this for awhile
RT @laurencetratt
New blog: Compiled and Interpreted Languages: Two Ways of Saying Tomato https://tratt.net/laurie/blog/2023/compiled_and_interpreted_languages_two_ways_of_saying_tomato.html
RT @dongheena92
https://github.com/python/peps/pull/2955A proposal for the 'nogil-CPython' was submitted.
It's cool to see more of https://www.scottantipa.com/store-app-state-in-urls in the wild. It's what projects like http://trycinder.com use to make shareable URLs without storing your data on the server!
Unfortunately these URLs get big without compression, and there are URL length limits.
Emailed a guy who made a good COVID dataset more human- and computer-readable. Turns out he's also a compiler guy. Wild.
RT @MattStudies
Showcasting a small fraction of my students' creativity https://www.mgaudet.ca/blog/2023/1/7/cmput-229-haikus
RT @JustineTunney
I just got Blink performing twice as fast as Qemu, while reducing Blink's size to 157kb. What makes Blink so tiny and fast is it uses a printf-style DSL for x86/aarch64 JIT code generation. Beta testers wanted.
RT @forrestbrazeal
Just saying.
RT @MStrehovsky
New version of bflat, my take on C# with Go-like tooling is out. New in the 7.0.1 release: build C# apps that run on bare metal hardware without an OS. https://flattened.net/
I really enjoyed this read
RT @guzdial
@Felienne Even without Scratch, There is no “First” in CS1. https://computinged.wordpress.com/2010/11/27/there-is-no-first-in-cs1/
Already packed the instant read thermometer and don't have a precise kettle so S is doing titration to get 85C water for green tea
RT @phil_eaton
It's set up, but @usefathom is it possible to import Google Analytics data yet? This post from a few months ago said you'd announce it but I don't see anything yet (maybe I'm missing it).
Got called by my furniture rental company to confirm a delivery date. I asked about parking permits and was told it was a surprise $250 extra (it's nowhere near that from the city!). WTF? What were they going to do if I hadn't asked? Show up without one? Bill me without asking???
Hi @EversourceMA I can't log into my account! I need to set up electricity before my move
go wheat boy go
RT @mrManner
Personally, I’m a ryeguy. https://twitter.com/brokep/status/1608558517325123591
RT @tmana
How a Black-Jewish Historian Crafts a Hanukkah Meal @atlasobscura https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/michael-twitty-hanukkah-soul-food .@KosherSoul
🎵 do you hear the noodles sing
singing the song of tantan men 🎵
Selling my plants before the move :(
If you are in the Bay Area and want to buy a good chunk of homebrewing stuff for cheap ($50) please let me know. I'm moving and offloading my stuff.
* 40-bottle tree
* [Bayou Classic Stainless Steel 8 Gallon Brew Kettle Set](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00HA8DO9E/)
* Bottle capper
* Hydrometer
* Hand pump and tubing
* Somewhere north of 30 bottles (swing-top + traditional)
* Star san
* 4 1-gallon glass carboys
* Spray bottleI prefer selling it all at once, but if you don't want the bottles, that's ok.
RT @Borlaag
Happy to report that I had my first dirty chai today and it does indeed let you see through walls https://twitter.com/tekknolagi/status/1606148825944494081
half asleep tweet: can you use merkle trees / hash consing for value numbering
RT @lukemckinney
Incredible scenes on Weibo, someone tweeted a bird expert "I saw this bird what's it called?", people mocking the sketch until the expert replies "Oh yeah that's a Twelve-wired Bird of Paradise, the sketch is great except you're missing five wires"
RT @MoreVMs
Are you working on language runtimes, compilers, VMs, interpreters?Want to talk about the cool things you're doing?
Prepare your extended abstract, talk proposal, or blog post for our workshop!Submission deadline: January 16th!
hi @moaparty I think there is a bug (?) where linking to a tweet counts as a retweet so then text after the tweet gets cut off in the mastodon crosspost :/
yeah so coffee is more of a body high and tea is a little heady and better for like creativity and studying
RT @RobDenBleyker
this looks like shit, Elon. fix it
RT @TuftsDaily
BREAKING: Tufts received its 7th bomb threat in 9 days at 7:01 a.m. The Medford/Somerville and Boston Health Science campuses remain open at this time.
Congratulations to @Love2Code and team!!! This is huge
RT @tobi
All storefront requests are now served by the latest version of ruby with YJIT enabled! We are seeing ~10% speedups across the board.YJIT that has been developed by @Love2Code's and team at Shopify.
In 2018 we had one bomb threat. Poor students are dealing with SIX. Unreal
RT @TuftsDaily
BREAKING: The Tufts community was alerted of the sixth threat since last Wednesday at 7:56 a.m. No buildings on the Medford/Somerville campus have been evacuated or closed in response.
RT @jeremysiek
Phew, final edits complete for the Python edition of Essentials of Compilation!
PDF now: https://www.dropbox.com/s/mfxtojk4yif3toj/python-book.pdf?dl=1
Pre-order for hardcover in August 2023:
oh no i have the wii theme stuck in my head again
test crosspost from the forbidden mammutidae website
This article looks great. Just skimmed and hopefully have time to read it more in depth later. https://sillycross.github.io/2022/11/22/2022-11-22/
Hello everyone. Welcome from Twitter. Good to see old faces and new.
@mrnugget how did you export your Twitter to mastodon?
@neauoire has anyone made a JIT or AOT compiler for Uxn yet?
@Vyen @elilla @operand I think the more you work with an implementation the more fortran it becomes. But I'm intentionally separating "language" and "implementation" here. The platonic ideal of Ruby or whatever is very Lispy/Smalltalky
Currently writing a Lisp to x86-64 compiler at https://lispcompiler.com/