Favorite Things

I found this website called LibraryThing that allows you to catalog, organize, and search your library – and many others. The following button links to my profile.

Here is some of my favorite music:

I am currently listening to some newer music, too:

Here’s some awesome other music that I found:

Here are some websites I like:

Some federated networking software:

My favorite tea is currently Stash Tea’s Double Bergamot Earl Grey.

I took some wonderful classes while I was at Tufts. I wholeheartedly recommend the following:

I like music featuring the hammered dulcimer. Below is a collection of music (mostly film scores) that includes at least a little bit of hammered dulcimer in it:

Thanks to this website for linking some that were harder for me to find (and others not included here). Also thanks to this website with help identifying tracks in The Man From U.N.C.L.E. As a sidebar, I would one day also like to catalogue music that has a sort of horse galloping/trotting feel found in Breaking Out (U.N.C.L.E) or Two Mules for Sister Sara (Sherlock Holmes).

This tweet by @isosteph:

when a thousand year old tree catches fire and its bark crackles and pops and turns to powder and one day in a strong wind it topples over and its roots wrench the ground up ten feet into the air is that more or less real than when a guy flips a jpeg for 8 eth

Also, this one:

uniquely bad energy to be on a little computer all the time in a really packed city there should only be like 10 giant computers in the world and they should be in various deserts and you should have to journey for many miles on foot to come and operate them

with response by @sigfig:

i am the keeper of this computer, for years my family has guarded its cores and cables, tell me traveller, what is it you wish to calculate, please dont say hashes