Watching now
Here are some projects that are occupying some brain space and that I am keeping an eye on, in no particular order (to demonstrate that, I shuffled before publishing). Some are because they do a lot with a small amount of code/people, some are because they feel like they are poking at something very new and cool, and some are excellent learning resources.
- Roc, a fast, friendly programming language
- YJIT, a JIT for Ruby based on Maxime’s research on basic block versioning
- bril, an educational compiler IR
- AtomVM, a small BEAM (Erlang) VM for small devices
- onramp, a bootstrapping C compiler
- wild, an incremental linker
- Taskflow, a graph-based parallel task system
- Alan, an autoscalable programming language
- elfconv, an ELF to Wasm AOT compiler
- bifrost, a p2p library that supports multiple transports
- dulwich, a pure Python Git implementation
- HVM, a massively parallel interaction combinator VM for the GPU
- Pyret, a functional programming language with some excellent ideas and a great pedagogical focus
- ir, the JIT internals for PHP
- Iroh, a toolkit for building distributed applications
- simple-abstract-interpreter, just what it says on the tin
- ssa-optimizer, an educational SSA-based optimizer
- micrograd, ccml, and cccc, small, educational autodiff libraries
- Natalie, an AOT Ruby compiler
- plzoo, which has multiple different small PL implementations with different semantics
- tinygrad, a small autodiff library with big plans
- MaPLe compiper, a compiler for automatic fork/join parallelism in SML
- try, to inspect a command’s effects before modifying your live system
- mold, a fast and parallel linker
- monoruby, a full Ruby VM and JIT by one person
- MicroHs, Haskell implemented with combinators in a small C++ core
- Cake, a C23 frontend and compiler to older C versions
- Toit, a VM from the Strongtalk lineage and management software for fleets of ESP32s
- Cosmopolitan, a C library that can build very portable self-contained binaries
- gf, a very usable GUI GDB frontend
- MatMul-free LLM, an implementation of transformer-based large language models without matrix multiplication
- Bun, a fast JS runtime based on JavaScriptCore
- Porffor, a from-scratch AOT JS engine
- weval, a WebAssembly partial evaluator
- Riker, correct and fast incremental builds using system call tracing
- arcan, a new display server and window system
- container2wasm, to run containers in WebAssembly
- LPython, a very early stages optimizing Python compiler
- Pydrofoil, a fast RISC-V emulator based on RPython, the PyPy internals
- Fil-C, a project where Fil Pizlo is making a memory-safe version of C
- Oil shell, a new Bash-compatible shell with fresh ideas and its own Python-esque compiler
- bigint, a small arbitrary precision integer library for C
- chibicc
- bcgen, which is kind of like Ertl’s VMGen, and copyjit, which is like Copy and Patch
- joos, a KVM virtual machine manager in JavaScript
- pocketpy, a little Python implementation that can be bundled into one C file
- gate, content-addressable Wasm RPC/RCE
- cjit, a JIT for C
Not quite code but presenting very cool ideas:
What I am working on: