Writing a Lisp, Part 3: Lists

December 6, 2016

Last time we added symbols to our interpreter, so that leaves us currently with symbols, integers, and booleans. That’s great and all, but isn’t the whole point of Lisp to have lists? ‘bout time we added those.

The fun part about Lisp: lists don’t technically exist. Instead what we have are called cons cells:

Fig. 1 - Cons cell diagram of our above list, courtesy of Wikipedia.

That’s a fancy way to say that the only compound data type in our language is a pair, and lists are pairs all the way down. If you had a function called pair that constructed a pair out of its two arguments, it would look like this:

(pair 42 (pair 69 (pair 613 nil)))

Where nil is the NULL value of our language. All lists in Lisp end with nil, just as all C-style strings end with the 0 byte (NUL). Since all lists end in nil, any pair construct that doesn’t end in a list is just a handy-dandy pair:

(pair 'Mozart 'Marriage-Of-Figaro)  ;; Some contrived example

Anyway. Before we get started parsing (which is easier than you probably think), let’s talk type representation. Currently we’ve got Fixnum, Boolean, and Symbol type constructors:

type lobject =
  | Fixnum of int
  | Boolean of bool
  | Symbol of string

Let’s add nil as its own type, since it’s a special value. Then we can just represent a pair as an OCaml tuple of any combination of lobjects!

type lobject =
  | Fixnum of int
  | Boolean of bool
  | Symbol of string
  | Nil
  | Pair of lobject * lobject

This means that we’ve just knocked off nil, pairs, and lists all in one go. In two lines. Bam. OCaml. So what does a list look like in our lobject type system?

Pair(Fixnum 42, Pair(Fixnum 69, Pair(Fixnum 613, Nil))) (* Gross *)

Okay, so that’s not so great to type manually. I’ll give you that one. But thankfully we won’t have to type it manually too much – the parser should build it for us! And, if we really want, we could write a function to transform that into a native OCaml lobject list for us. Maybe something like:

(* TODO: Test. Currently Untested. *)
let rec pair_to_list pr =
  match pr with
    | Nil -> []
    | Pair(a, b) -> a::(pair_to_list b)

The only problem with that function is that it will raise an exception if it encounters an argument of type “something else than Nil or Pair”.

In any case, the Pair representation is just fine. Let’s try some parsing!

let rec read_object stm =
  let rec read_list stm =              (* NEW *)
    eat_whitespace stm;
    let c = read_char stm in
    if c = ')'
    then Nil
      let _ = unread_char stm c in
      let car = read_sexp stm in
      let cdr = read_list stm in
      Pair(car, cdr)
  eat_whitespace stm;                  (* OLD stuff *)
  let c = read_char stm in
  else if c = '('
  then read_list stm                   (* NEW *)
  else raise (SyntaxError ("Unexpected char " ^ Char.escaped c));;

Let’s pick apart the two new things here. First (in execution order), we have a clause in our parser that detects if we’re on an opening parenthesis. If we are, it’s time to read a list. So read it!

Next, we have a function read_list that happily crunches in new data until it sees a closing parenthesis. The fun part is, it’s potentially recursive in how it handles lists! If the input is (1 2 (3 4)), for example, it’ll start to read in (3 4), notice that there is a left parenthesis, and then read in a new list! And return it! To read_object! Recursion is super cool.

Sweet. So now it’s technically possible to read in lists in the REPL but we won’t actually be able to visually confirm that unless we can show some evidence in the Print part of the REPL – which means that we need to add to print_sexp. Let’s work out a skeleton:

let rec print_sexp e =
    match e with
    | Fixnum(v) -> print_int v
    | Boolean(b) -> print_string (if b then "#t" else "#f")
    | Symbol(s) -> print_string s
    | Nil -> (* ??? *)
    | Pair(a, b) -> (* ??? *)

The Nil case is pretty simple for us, thankfully. We can just print the string "nil" and that’s that. Pair is a little bit more complicated in that it has two things to print and has to deal with parentheses. But let’s give it a go anyway.

let rec print_sexp e =
    match e with
    | Fixnum(v) -> print_int v
    | Boolean(b) -> print_string (if b then "#t" else "#f")
    | Symbol(s) -> print_string s
    | Nil -> print_string "nil"
    | Pair(a, b) ->
            print_string "(";
            print_sexp a;
            print_string " . ";
            print_sexp b;
            print_string ")";;

Whew. So just recursion, once more. Print parens, print the contained objects, get on with your life. Let’s give it a whirl!

$ ocaml 03_lists.ml
File "03_lists.ml", line 47, characters 4-73:           # from pair_to_list
Warning 8: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive.
Here is an example of a value that is not matched:
(Fixnum _|Boolean _|Symbol _)
> (42 69 613)
(42 . (69 . (613 . nil)))

Hey, that’s pretty similar to both Wikipedia’s diagram, the pair function calls, and our own internal representation with Pair! Neat. It’s not generally what we want when examining lists, though. It’s much easier for the (very much human) programmer to look at the flat representation of nested pairs.

In order to distinguish between “normal” pairs and pairs that are lists, we’re going to have to make a guess and have a function called is_list. Then we can write a function to print that type of flat list, and a function to print a “normal” pair.

let rec print_list l =
    match l with
    | Pair(a, Nil) -> print_sexp a;
    | Pair(a, b) -> print_sexp a; print_string " "; print_list b
let print_pair (Pair(a, b)) =
    print_sexp a; print_string " . "; print_sexp b

Fine, sure – but how do we write is_list? I suppose if every second element all the way down is a list and at some point it ends in nil, then it’s a list…

let rec is_list e =
    match e with
    | Nil -> true
    | Pair(a, b) -> is_list b
    | _ -> false

Great! So, all-in-all, our print function looks like this:

let rec print_sexp e =
    let rec is_list e =
        match e with
        | Nil -> true
        | Pair(a, b) -> is_list b
        | _ -> false
    let rec print_list l =
        match l with
        | Pair(a, Nil) -> print_sexp a
        | Pair(a, b) -> print_sexp a; print_string " "; print_list b
    let print_pair p =
        match p with
        | Pair(a, b) -> print_sexp a; print_string " . "; print_sexp b
    match e with
    | Fixnum(v) -> print_int v
    | Boolean(b) -> print_string (if b then "#t" else "#f")
    | Symbol(s) -> print_string s
    | Nil -> print_string "nil"
    | Pair(a, b) ->
            print_string "(";
            if is_list e
            then print_list e
            else print_pair e;
            print_string ")";;

Doesn’t look so bad. So let’s try it out.

$ ocaml 03_lists.ml
File "03_lists.ml", line 48, characters 4-73:
Warning 8: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive.
Here is an example of a value that is not matched:
(Fixnum _|Boolean _|Symbol _)
File "03_lists.ml", line 116, characters 8-129:
Warning 8: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive.
Here is an example of a value that is not matched:
(Fixnum _|Boolean _|Symbol _|Nil)
File "03_lists.ml", line 121, characters 19-88:
Warning 8: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive.
Here is an example of a value that is not matched:
(Fixnum _|Boolean _|Symbol _|Nil)
> (42 69 613)
(42 69 613)

Not great. We’re writing these functions everywhere that assume so many things about the types of their arguments that just can’t be assumed. Like what happens if we give print_list a Fixnum? Bad, bad things. So let’s patch those up with a new exception. Let’s called it ThisCan'tHappenError:

exception ThisCan'tHappenError;;

and let’s make sure to put one in pair_to_list:

let rec pair_to_list pr =
match pr with
| Nil -> []
| Pair(a, b) -> a::(pair_to_list b)
| _ -> raise ThisCan'tHappenError;;

and in print_list:

let rec print_list l =
    match l with
    | Pair(a, Nil) -> print_sexp a
    | Pair(a, b) -> print_sexp a; print_string " "; print_list b
    | _ -> raise ThisCan'tHappenError

and in print_pair:

let print_pair p =
    match p with
    | Pair(a, b) -> print_sexp a; print_string " . "; print_sexp b
    | _ -> raise ThisCan'tHappenError

and try one more time.

$ ocaml 03_lists.ml
> (42 69 613)
(42 69 613)
> ()
> nil

Ahhhhhh. Much better.

But you might be asking yourself (or me) – how can we possibly make a non-list Pair from the REPL if the REPL will only read lists? Great question. The answer for now is that we’ll have to add a special function later that builds pairs for us. It shouldn’t be a great need until then.

Download the code here if you want to mess with it.

Next up, environments.