Inline caching

January 14, 2021

Inline caching is a popular technique for runtime optimization. It was first introduced in 1984 in Deutsch & Schiffman’s paper Efficient implementation of the smalltalk-80 system [PDF] but has had a long-lasting legacy in today’s dynamic language implementations. Runtimes like the Hotspot JVM, V8, and SpiderMonkey use it to improve the performance of code written for those virtual machines.

In this blog post, I will attempt to distill the essence of inline caching using a small and relatively useless bytecode interpreter built solely for this blog post. The caching strategy in this demo is a technique similar to the ideas from Inline Caching meets Quickening [PDF] in that it caches function pointers instead of making use of a JIT compiler.

In order to make the most of this post, I recommend having some background on building bytecode virtual machines. It is by no means necessary, but will make some of the new stuff easier to absorb.


In many compiled programming languages like C and C++, types and attribute locations are known at compile time. This makes code like the following fast:

#include "foo.h"

Foo do_add(Foo left, Foo right) {
  return left.add(right);

The compiler knows precisely what type left and right are (it’s Foo) and also where the method add is in the executable. If the implementation is in the header file, it may even be inlined and do_add may be optimized to a single instruction. Check out the assembly from objdump:

0000000000401160 <_Z6do_add3FooS_>:
  401160:	48 83 ec 18          	sub    $0x18,%rsp
  401164:	89 7c 24 0c          	mov    %edi,0xc(%rsp)
  401168:	48 8d 7c 24 0c       	lea    0xc(%rsp),%rdi
  40116d:	e8 0e 00 00 00       	callq  401180 <_ZN3Foo3addES_>
  401172:	48 83 c4 18          	add    $0x18,%rsp
  401176:	c3                   	retq

All it does is save the parameters to the stack, call Foo::add, and then restore the stack.

In more dynamic programming languages, it is often impossible to determine at runtime startup what type any given variable binding has. We’ll use Python as an example to illustrate how dynamism makes this tricky, but this constraint is broadly applicable to Ruby, JavaScript, etc.

Consider the following Python snippet:

def do_add(left, right):
    return left.add(right)

Due to Python’s various dynamic features, the compiler cannot in general know what type left is and therefore what code to run when reading left.add. This program will be compiled down to a couple Python bytecode instructions that do a very generic LOAD_METHOD/CALL_METHOD operation:

>>> import dis
>>> dis.dis("""
... def do_add(left, right):
...     return left.add(right)
... """)
Disassembly of <code object do_add at 0x7f0b40cf49d0, file "<dis>", line 2>:
  3           0 LOAD_FAST                0 (left)
              2 LOAD_METHOD              0 (add)
              4 LOAD_FAST                1 (right)
              6 CALL_METHOD              1
              8 RETURN_VALUE


This LOAD_METHOD Python bytecode instruction is unlike the x86 mov instruction in that LOAD_METHOD is not given an offset into left, but instead is given the name "add". It has to go and figure out how to read add from left’s type — which could change from call to call.

In fact, even if the parameters were typed (which is a new feature in Python 3), the same code would be generated. Writing left: Foo means that left is a Foo or a subclass.

This is not a simple process like “call the function at the given address specified by the type”. The runtime has to find out what kind of object add is. Maybe it’s just a function, or maybe it’s a property, or maybe it’s some custom descriptor protocol thing. There’s no way to just turn this into a call instruction!

… or is there?

Runtime type information

Though dynamic runtimes do not know ahead of time what types variables have at any given opcode, they do eventually find out when the code is run. The first time someone calls do_add, LOAD_METHOD will go and look up the type of left. It will use it to look up the attribute add and then throw the type information away. But the second time someone calls do_add, the same thing will happen. Why don’t runtimes store this information about the type and the method and save the lookup work?

The thinking is “well, left could be any type of object — best not make any assumptions about it.” While this is technically true, Deutsch & Schiffman find that “at a given point in code, the receiver is often the same class as the receiver at the same point when the code was last executed”.

Note: By receiver, they mean the thing from which the attribute is being loaded. This is some Object-Oriented Programming terminology.

This is huge. This means that, even in this sea of dynamic behavior, humans actually are not all that creative and tend to write functions that see only a handful of types at a given location.

The Smalltalk-80 paper describes a runtime that takes advantage of this by adding “inline caches” to functions. These inline caches keep track of variable types seen at each point in the code, so that the runtime can make optimization decisions with that information.

Let’s take a look at how this could work in practice.

A small example

I put together a small stack machine with only a few operations. There are very minimal features to avoid distracting from the main focus: inline caching. Extending this example would be an excellent exercise.

Objects and types

The design of this runtime involves two types of objects (ints and strs). Objects are implemented as a tagged union, but for the purposes of this blog post the representation does not matter very much.

typedef enum {
} ObjectType;

typedef struct {
  ObjectType type;
  union {
    const char *str_value;
    int int_value;
} Object;

These types have methods on them, such as add and print. Method names are represented with an enum (Symbol) though strings would work just as well.

typedef enum {

} Symbol;

The representation of type information isn’t super important. Just know that there is a function called lookup_method and that it is very slow. Eventually we’ll want to cache its result.

Method lookup_method(ObjectType type, Symbol name);

Let’s see how we use lookup_method in the interpreter.


This interpreter provides no way to look up (LOAD_METHOD) or call (CALL_METHOD) the methods directly. For the purposes of this demo, the only way to call these methods is through purpose-built opcodes. For example, the opcode ADD takes two arguments. It looks up kAdd on the left hand side and calls it. PRINT is similar.

There are only two other opcodes, ARG and HALT.

typedef enum {
  // Load a value from the arguments array at index `arg'.
  // Add stack[-2] + stack[-1].
  // Pop the top of the stack and print it.
  // Halt the machine.
} Opcode;

Bytecode is represented by a series of opcode/argument pairs, each taking up one byte. Only ARG needs an argument; the other instructions ignore theirs.

Let’s look at a sample program.

byte bytecode[] = {/*0:*/ ARG,   0,
                   /*2:*/ ARG,   1,
                   /*4:*/ ADD,   0,
                   /*6:*/ PRINT, 0,
                   /*8:*/ HALT,  0};

This program takes its two arguments, adds them together, prints the result, and then halts the interpreter.

You may wonder, “how is it that there is an instruction for loading arguments but no call instruction?” Well, the interpreter does not support calls. There is only a top-level function, eval_code_uncached. It takes an object, evaluates its bytecode with the given arguments, and returns. Extending the interpreter to support function calls would be another good exercise.

The interpreter implementation is a fairly straightforward switch statement. Notice that it takes a representation of Frame, which holds all the state, like the pc and the stack. It contains a function-like thing (Code) and an array of arguments. nargs is only used for bounds checking.

I am omitting some of its helper functions (init_frame, push, pop, peek) for brevity’s sake, but they do nothing tricky. Feel free to look in the repo for their definitions.

typedef unsigned char byte;

#define STACK_SIZE 100

typedef struct {
  Object* stack_array[STACK_SIZE];
  Object** stack;
  Code* code;
  word pc;
  Object** args;
  word nargs;
} Frame;

void eval_code_uncached(Frame* frame) {
  Code* code = frame->code;
  while (true) {
    Opcode op = code->bytecode[frame->pc];
    byte arg = code->bytecode[frame->pc + 1];
    switch (op) {
      case ARG:
        CHECK(arg < frame->nargs && "out of bounds arg");
        push(frame, frame->args[arg]);
      case ADD: {
        Object* right = pop(frame);
        Object* left = pop(frame);
        Method method = lookup_method(object_type(left), kAdd);
        Object* result = (*method)(left, right);
        push(frame, result);
      case PRINT: {
        Object* obj = pop(frame);
        Method method = lookup_method(object_type(obj), kPrint);
      case HALT:
        fprintf(stderr, "unknown opcode %d\n", op);
    frame->pc += kBytecodeSize;

Both ADD and PRINT make use of lookup_method to find out what function pointer corresponds to the given (type, symbol) pair. Both opcodes throw away the result. How sad. Let’s figure out how to save some of that data.

Inline caching strategy

Since the Smalltalk-80 paper tells us that the receiver type is unlikely to change from call to call at a given point in the bytecode, let’s cache one method address per opcode. As with any cache, we’ll have to store both a key (the object type) and a value (the method address).

There are several states that the cache could be in when entering an opcode:

  1. If it is empty, look up the method and store it in the cache using the current type as a cache key. Use the cached value.
  2. If it has an entry and the entry is for the current type, use the cached value.
  3. Last, if it has an entry and the entry is for a different type, flush the cache. Repeat the same steps as in the empty case.

This is a simple monomorphic (one element) implementation that should give us most of the performance. A good exercise would be to extend this cache system to be polymorphic (multiple elements) if the interpreter sees many types. For that you will want to check out Optimizing Dynamically-Typed Object-Oriented Languages With Polymorphic Inline Caches by Hölzle, Chambers, and Ungar.

For the purposes of this inline caching demo, we will focus on caching lookups in ADD. This is a fairly arbitrary choice in our simple runtime, since the caching implementation will not differ between opcodes.

Note: The types in this demo code are immutable. Some programming languages (Python, Ruby, etc) allow for types to be changed after they are created. This requires careful cache invalidation. We will not address cache invalidation in this post.

Inline caching implementation

Let’s store the caches on the Code struct. If we have one element per opcode, that looks like:

typedef struct {
  // Array of `num_opcodes' (op, arg) pairs (total size `num_opcodes' * 2).
  byte* bytecode;
  word num_opcodes;
  // Array of `num_opcodes' elements.
  CachedValue* caches;
} Code;

where CachedValue is a key/value pair of object type and method address:

typedef struct {
  ObjectType key;
  Method value;
} CachedValue;

We have some helpers, cache_at and cache_at_put, to manipulate the caches.

CachedValue cache_at(Frame* frame) {
  return frame->code->caches[frame->pc / kBytecodeSize];

void cache_at_put(Frame* frame, ObjectType key, Method value) {
  frame->code->caches[frame->pc / kBytecodeSize] =
      (CachedValue){.key = key, .value = value};

These functions are fairly straightforward given our assumption of a cache present for every opcode.

Let’s see what changed in the ADD opcode.

void add_update_cache(Frame* frame, Object* left, Object* right) {
  Method method = lookup_method(object_type(left), kAdd);
  cache_at_put(frame, object_type(left), method);
  Object* result = (*method)(left, right);
  push(frame, result);

void eval_code_cached(Frame* frame) {
  // ...
  while (true) {
    // ...
    switch (op) {
      // ...
      case ADD: {
        Object* right = pop(frame);
        Object* left = pop(frame);
        CachedValue cached = cache_at(frame);
        Method method = cached.value;
        if (method == NULL || cached.key != object_type(left)) {
          add_update_cache(frame, left, right);
        Object* result = (*method)(left, right);
        push(frame, result);
      // ...
    frame->pc += kBytecodeSize;

Now instead of always calling lookup_method, we do two quick checks first. If we have a cached value and it matches, we use that instead. So not much changed, really, except for the reading and writing to code->caches.

If we don’t have a cached value, we call lookup_method and store the result in the cache. Then we call it. I pulled this slow-path code into the function add_update_cache.

Run a test program and see results

Let’s put it all together for some satisfying results. We can use the sample program from earlier that adds its two arguments.

We’ll call it four times. The first time we will call it with integer arguments, and it will cache the integer method. The second time, it will use the cached integer method. The third time, we will call it with string arguments and it will cache the string method. The fourth time, it will use the cached string method.

int main() {
  byte bytecode[] = {/*0:*/ ARG,   0,
                     /*2:*/ ARG,   1,
                     /*4:*/ ADD,   0,
                     /*6:*/ PRINT, 0,
                     /*8:*/ HALT,  0};
  Object* int_args[] = {
  void (*eval)(Frame*) = eval_code_cached;
  Frame frame;
  Code code = new_code(bytecode, sizeof bytecode / kBytecodeSize);
  init_frame(&frame, &code, int_args, ARRAYSIZE(int_args));
  init_frame(&frame, &code, int_args, ARRAYSIZE(int_args));
  Object* str_args[] = {
      new_str("hello "),
  init_frame(&frame, &code, str_args, ARRAYSIZE(str_args));
  init_frame(&frame, &code, str_args, ARRAYSIZE(str_args));

And if we run that, we see:

laurel% ./a.out
int: 15
int: 15
str: "hello world"
str: "hello world"

Which superficially seems like it’s working, at least. 5 + 10 == 15 and "hello " + "world" == "hello world" after all.

To get an insight into the behavior of the caching system, I added some logging statements. This will help convince us that the cache code does the right thing.

laurel% ./a.out
updating cache at 4
int: 15
using cached value at 4
int: 15
updating cache at 4
str: "hello world"
using cached value at 4
str: "hello world"

Hey-ho, looks like it worked.

Performance analysis

Most posts like this end with some kind of performance analysis of the two strategies proposed. Perhaps the author will do some kind of rigorous statistical analysis of the performance of the code before & after. Perhaps the author will run the sample code in a loop 1,000 times and use time to measure. Most authors do something.

Reader, I will not be doing a performance analysis in this post. This tiny interpreter has little to no resemblance to real-world runtimes and this tiny program has little to no resemblance to real-world workloads. I will, however, give you some food for thought:

If you were building a runtime, how would you know inline caching would help you? Profile your code. Use the tools available to you, like Callgrind and Perf. If you see your runtime’s equivalent of lookup_method show up in the profiles, consider that you may want a caching strategy. lookup_method may not show up in all of your profiles. Some benchmarks will have very different workloads than other benchmarks.

How would you measure the impact of inline caching, once added? Profile your code. Did the percent CPU time of lookup_method decrease? What about overall runtime? It’s entirely possible that your benchmark slowed down. This could be an indicator of polymorphic call sites — which would lead to a lot of overhead from cache eviction. In that case, you may want to add a polymorphic inline cache. printf-style logging can help a lot in understanding the characteristics of your benchmarks.

No matter how you measure impact, it is not enough to run the ADD handler in a tight loop and call it a benchmark. The real-life workload for your runtime will undoubtedly look very different. What percent of opcodes executed is ADD? Ten percent? Five percent? You will be limited by Amdahl’s Law. That will be your upper bound on performance improvements.1

What other performance considerations might you have? Consider your memory constraints. Perhaps you are on a system where memory is a concern. Adding inline caches will require additional memory. This might cause swapping, if its enabled.

So without benchmarks, how do you know this is even faster? Don’t take my word for it. Benchmark your runtime. Take a look at the Smalltalk-80 and Brunthaler papers linked. Take a look at the JVM, V8, MRI, Dart, and other runtimes. They all seem to have found inline caching helpful.


Inline caches can be a good way to speed up your bytecode interpreter. I hope this post helped you understand inline caches. Please write me if it did not.

Exploring further

There are a number of improvements that could be made to this very simple demo. I will list some of them below:

Maybe I will even write about them in the future.

  1. Kind of. Sometimes there are hardware effects that make your change that would otherwise be at most 5% faster actually significantly faster. For example, if you are thrashing your data cache by doing these method lookups and your inline cache implementation dramatically improves that, the neighboring code might also get faster because its data could be in cache, too. But you really need to measure these things before you make grand claims. See also the note in the next section of the post about things like memory pressure and swapping.