Here are some shell scripts and niceties I use to make my life easier. They are not offered as packages; they are meant to be copied around.


I use, which I am pretty sure was authored by Carl Shapiro, for profiling things. It provides a text-based histogram for whatever lines are piped to it.

# Likely originally by Carl Shapiro
sort |
uniq -c |
sort -n |
sed 's/^ *//' |
awk 'BEGIN { OFS="\t"} { sum += $1; print sum, $1, substr($0, 1 + index($0, " ")) }' |
sort -n -r |
awk 'BEGIN { IFS=OFS="\t"; print "cum", "pct", "freq" }$1 > max { max = $1 }{ print int($1/max*100), int($2/max*100), $2, $3 }'

I’ll modify a program like python to print out (for example) comma-separated triples %s,%s,%s of slot name, left argument type, and right argument type. Then I will invoke it like ./modified-python | and the output looks like:

$ hist < err
cum     pct     freq
100     59      87      NB_ADD,str,str
40      16      24      NB_AND,int,int
23      10      15      NB_INPLACE_ADD,str,str
13      6       9       NB_ADD,int,int
7       2       3       NB_OR,int,int
5       1       2       NB_SUBTRACT,int,int
4       1       2       NB_MULTIPLY,str,int
2       0       1       NB_REMAINDER,str,tuple
2       0       1       NB_LSHIFT,int,int
1       0       1       NB_ADD,tuple,tuple
0       0       1       NB_ADD,bytes,bytes

Which indicates to me that str + str is the most frequently occurring use of + in my script (for example).

I use, which was adapted from a Python program written by Matthias Braun, to help orchestrate shell stuff from Python. It’s a wrapper around that adds a verbose mode, more enforceable timeouts, and a PTY option.

I copy this into projects frequently.

Ninja generator and small Ninja

It’s pretty easy to generate Ninja files and BYOB1 and I wrote a blog post about that. Then I discovered someone’s very small single-file Ninja reimplementation in Python and mashed them up into a little demo.

This relies on which is copied from the Ninja project.

Parallel output

Sometimes you have a bunch of tasks to run and want quick-n-dirty Buck/Bazel-type output. For that, I wrote and a blog post about it.

  1. Build Your Own Bazel