Welcome to the final module! So far, you have spent a great deal of time learning about concrete tools to help you build software. In this module, we will look first at some philosophical tools—ways of thinking—and then one sample concrete tool, UTest.
This module will be discussion-based.
Possible meanings for software correctness (as discussed in class):
Some interesting reading that we won’t assign.
Wikipedia has a fine definition.
A software bug is an error, flaw or fault in a computer program or system that causes it to produce an incorrect or unexpected result, or to behave in unintended ways.
The interesting parts of this definition are “unexpected results” or “unintended behaviors”. These hint at, but do not explicitly call out, the existence of a specification for the behavior of a given program. This specification need not be a three-hundred page tome handed down from management for a software engineering team to implement. It may be less formal, like a homework assignment, or even just a vague notion in your mind of what you want your program to do. If your program deviates from this specification, it has a bug.
You might ask why software correctness matters at all. In what will later be described as a crime against Nature, we taught rocks to think and forced them to run our programs. All those rocks can do are move and compute numbers. So who really cares if a program doesn’t precisely conform to its specification and the numbers are wrong? Well…
A cop-out answer is that the professor of your computer science course has told you that buggy code will cause you to lose points. For a couple years of your life, this will suffice.
More broadly, though, software is supposed to help people, and it can’t help people if it doesn’t perform the way it’s supposed to. Billions of people rely on software every day for everything from critical infrastructure to medical equipment to silly games. If there’s a one in a million chance that your cancer radiation therapy machine1 has a bug that kills you—well, you might care. Or if the facial recognition software the state employs has a bug that lands you in a prison cell, you might care.
On a less serious note, bugs can lead to revenue loss, or wasting people’s time. For personal projects, bugs might be inconsequential, like Bob Ross’s happy little accidents. You won’t always be writing code for small projects, though.
Different classes of bugs can be mitigated or outright prevented with different software practices.
For example, segmentation faults and memory corruption, which you may have experienced while writing C++ code, result from a class of bug that is very unlikely to happen in other programming languages like Python or Java. These higher-level languages have different memory models that outright preclude these kinds of memory bugs.
Another class of bug, logic errors, are easy to introduce when writing complex code with lots of edge cases like string processing algorithms. Higher level languages often provide more library functions than lower level ones, and such functions often provide battle-tested implementations of such algorithms. Library functions are frequently more correct than a from-scratch implementation because they have been written and revised by many people.
Other logic errors are preventable by employing mathematical proofs. Tools like Coq and Isabelle make it possible for programmers to write proofs about properties of the systems they are building and have them automatically checked. Coq can then generate a program for you that has been proven correct2.
When proving a program correct is impossible or intractable, it’s almost always possible to fall back on testing. Tests manually exercise your code with some inputs and check the results against a set of known-correct answers. A good test suite on a software project is often a mark of high attention to detail and a reasonable proxy for correctness. Tests also have one advantage over proofs: since they exercise the code in a real environment, they validate the environment as well as the code. For example, if you accidentally rely on undefined behavior from your code and then upgrade your compiler to one that produces a different result, your test suite will let you know. As Donald Knuth once said, “Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not tried it.”
Lastly, software development practices can help. For a multi-person software project, having a required code review step in the development process can help catch bugs and otherwise raise the bar. People reviewing code may notice edge cases that the original author did not think of, request that the author write tests for those edge cases, and improve the quality of the proposed code change.
In this module, we’re going to focus primarily on writing tests as a means for ensuring software correctness. Tests are not the only way to make your software more correct, but they are the easiest to immediately apply and reason about.
While we intend for everything we teach to be helpful, our advice won’t always apply in every situation. Use your best judgement. Read this tweet by Gary Bernhardt.
Even simple software has edge cases. In a data structures course, for example,
one assignment might involve writing a delete
function to remove an element
from a binary search tree and maintain the BST invariant. This function alone
had several cases: the node is NULL
; the node has no children; the node has
one child; the node has two children. Even though you probably should write
unit tests, that’s a manageable number of cases to test manually.
Complex software has many more edge cases. Business requirements often have to take into account the Real World, which is much messier than a binary search tree. In one day, you might have to think about software performance, adding a new feature, complying with internal guidelines, complying with a new law passed by the state, and complying with a new law passed in a different country. There are so many cases to consider. In isolation, they are tricky problems to keep correct. When combined, the cross product can swiftly become completely and utterly unmanageable to keep correct.
The good news is that there are reasonably well-established software practices to untangle this huge mess of code. Writing tests is helpful, yes, but there are some other auxiliary practices that can help make your tests even more effective.
If you, the programmer, have to run tests manually after every change you make, you will probably not run them very often. And, worse, if the test suite takes a long time to run, you may run them even less. Automating this process is instrumental to both ensuring that the tests run and reducing cognitive load.
If you think back to our source control module, where we introduced a Pull Request-based collaborative workflow, there is a great place to insert an automated test run: run tests on each commit in a pull request. Collaborative version control providers often expose an API surface for building and running tests. Having a green checkmark per change is a good signal to you, the programmer, and your colleagues, that you have not broken anything, and also pass your new tests.
There’s a bit of an implicit assumption that makes automated tests useful: expecting the main branch to be passing tests (“green”). If you maintain the invariant that the main branch always passes tests, it’s straightforward to tell if your changes break anything.
If tests fail on your change, then it is most likely that the change introduced a bug—a regression. It’s also possible that the change exposed a bug that already existed elsewhere and was not tested, in which case the signal is still useful to the person submitting the change.
If the tests are failing or flaky on the main branch, though, the signal is much less useful to anyone submitting a change to the project. It’s very difficult to use the test failure to a particular root cause.
If you want to get really nitpicky about this, having tests run with every change still is not enough. Consider a case where multiple engineers are writing landing changes concurrently. Generally, tests run for each change:
change A (pass)
change B (pass)
But this does not account for concurrent landing of A and B. If A and B both land at the same time, there will be a “land race” and they will land in some non deterministic order. It may happen that A and B conflict with one another and one change causes the other to fail to build or fail to pass tests.
change A *before* change B (fail)
change B *before* change A (build fail)
This is a common reason that projects also enable “land-time” tests, ensuring that the linearization of concurrent landing commits still passes tests. Land-time tests build and run the project before every commit to the main branch.
As much as some people might wish, you are not writing code in a spherical vacuum fixed in time. Even if you manage to write perfect bug-free code, which is extraordinarily unlikely, your code will at some point interact with other software and with hardware. This code is also extraordinarily unlikely to be bug-free.
You will have bugs. Even if they aren’t bugs in the state-of-the-world at time of writing code, the world changes. It’s not about how good you are as a programmer. Your code interacts with the toolchain of the programming language in which it’s written: the compiler or the runtime. It interacts with the operating system. With the filesystem. With the network. Your code may run well when compiled with Clang but crash when compiled with GCC, and the reason may be that your code implicitly took advantage of a subtle clause in the C standard that allows the two compilers to implement a behavior differently.
The third-party library you use might also have bugs. Or if it does not have bugs, something changed with the last version. Perhaps the email software du jour has an upgrade that changes a timeout and causes delivery failures3. Or perhaps part of the code literally changes behavior over time, because it relies on the current date to do something.
In all of these cases, writing tests, frequently running tests, and ensuring that the test environment is the same as the “production” environment (whatever that may be), will ease your pain.
Google’s new CPU failures paper
Facebook hardware failure paper 1 and paper 2
In this lecture, we will explore a method for writing useful tests for software.
Start with the specification: what should the function do? Test what is
specified. Imagine a function isEven
that must return true
if the number
given was even, and false
bool isEven(int num);
In order to pick good test cases for this function, we should consider the cases mentioned in the specification: an even number; an odd number. Let’s write some tests.
TEST(MySoftwareModule, IsEvenWithOddNumberReturnsFalse) {
EXPECT_EQ(isEven(7), false);
TEST(MySoftwareModule, IsEvenWithEvenNumberReturnsTrue) {
EXPECT_EQ(isEven(8), true);
These tests exercise a small sample of the very large space of even and odd
numbers (about two billion each) that could be passed into this function. The
tests assume a “regular” implementation, as opposed to a “silly”
implementation. For example, these tests would not do a very good job checking
the correctness of the following implementation of isEven
bool isEven(int num) {
switch (num) {
case 0: case 2: case 4: case 6: case 8: return true;
case 1: case 3: case 5: case 7: case 9: return false;
// TODO: add the rest of the numbers
default: return false;
This is a somewhat reductive example, but such “stub” functions are not uncommon in production codebases. The band-aid solution to this is generally to make the unimplemented case abort the program, and have a unit test checking for an abort when passing in unimplemented input.
Sometimes your programming environment might change how you think about unit
testing your code. In the above C environment, there are no exceptions to
handle and types are fixed at compile time. There is no need to test that you
will always get a bool
back from isEven
—it is guaranteed. In general,
there is no need to test infrastructure guarantees. In other programming
environments, you might have fewer things guaranteed by the compiler or
runtime. Let us consider a Python language equivalent of isEven
def is_even(num):
if num in (0, 2, 4, 6, 8): return True
if num in (1, 3, 5, 7, 9): return False
# TODO: add the rest of the numbers
return False
There is one big difference in Python compared to C: you will notice that there
are no types to be found! This is because Python is a dynamically typed
language. It does not require you to annotate your variables or function
signatures with types. This means that it’s possible to pass other types such
as a string, or a floating point number, or something else entirely to
, and it won’t be a compile-time error. It won’t be a run-time error
either, in this case; is_even
will return False
So what should it do, given a non-integer? That’s to be written in the specification, and tested in the unit tests. In this case, appropriate tests might ensure that the code raises an exception, or that it returns some sentinel value.
When testing a function, there are two main approaches: blackbox testing, and whitebox testing.
When writing blackbox unit tests, assume the function definition is hidden. All
you get is the signature. What inputs can you think of to break the function?
Let’s look at isEven
bool isEven(int num);
Some interesting values come to mind: what happens if you pass zero? A negative
number? A very large number? Integers in C are bound to some platform-dependent
size. What happens if you pass INT_MIN
to the function? Without
looking at the body of this function in particular, there is not much else to
test in this style. Other signatures may leave room for more interesting test
cases—maybe they operate on strings or floating point numbers or something
more complicated.
When writing whitebox unit tests, on the other hand, assume you have access to the current function definition. What test cases might break it? One common strategy is coverage-based testing—ensuring that all code paths through the function are tested. This requires figuring out values that pass and fail various conditionals, exercise behaviors of loops, and so on. Some of the conditionals may be implicit, if they happen in functions called inside the function you are testing.
Although coverage is a good way to find code paths you haven’t tested, you should be wary about blindly chasing 100% coverage. There are plenty of cases where a code path just isn’t that interesting or error-prone; writing tests for such paths purely to improve your coverage metric can waste time and hide the few tests that actually matter among lots that don’t.
You may notice that the unit tests for the isEven
function have very verbose
names. This is not because the course staff are enthusiastic Java
programmers—we are not—but instead because the names serve as
documentation. Imagine writing a test case with the name IsEvenTests
, that
expects different results with a bunch of different numbers. With your current
implementation of isEven
and with your current context, that may be fine. But
you will likely come back to these tests in a year or three, with the
implementation of isEven
having completely changed, and wonder what made
these numbers so special. Or perhaps your coworker will wonder about these
things, because they did not write the code in the first place.
Having descriptive test names also separates concerns for the testing harness.
If only part of the isEven
function breaks, it would be nice to know at a
glance which part broke. IsEvenWithOddNumberReturnsFalse
failed? Well. Now
you know what to take a look at.
Write tests for code you write. Sometimes when writing tests for a function f that calls another function g, it is tempting to write tests that directly or indirectly check the output of g. Assuming that g is independently well tested (by you or by its author), this is unnecessary4.
Sometimes the software you are building is meant to be consumed by other programmers, either in the form of a library, or a service. Either way, your software will provide an Application Programming Interface—an API. Because this is the primary way your users will be interacting with your software, it is imperative these API functions be well-tested. You will likely also write smaller building blocks—internal functions, classes, or other services. Test these, too.
Test small units of code as directly as possible. Ideally, your functions should be small and have simple lives. And ideally tests should call the functions they are testing directly. That’s the simplest way to make sure that you’re actually calling the intended function, that you’re actually calling with the variant you intended to test, and that something else did not affect your results.
Avoid “round trips” through layers of software. Round trips, including nested function calls, or network requests, or disk I/O, or other things, increase the amount of noise in your testing.
Avoid stateful computation. If your test requires some setup, such as creating a file on the disk, or adding a table to a database, you will likely run into issues with concurrency. Tests that have shared mutable state may break when run concurrently, leading to a slow, sequential test suite. Additionally, this violates the “round trips” maxim above.
It’s not a test unless you watch it fail. Make sure your tests are running! If they have never failed, it’s entirely possible that you are testing the wrong function, or not running your tests, or something somewhere is very, very broken.
The function we wrote above is fairly straightforward to test. If you wanted
to, it is not difficult to enumerate the entire space of inputs for isEven
and check their results. On a modern computer, this would take no more than a
second. So what makes software difficult to test? And, implicitly, should we
factor software to be easier to test?
In the previous lecture, we alluded to parts of this difficulty with the testing maxims: test small units of code; avoid round trips; avoid state. Let’s break those down.
With any luck, you will have been advised to write code with single-purpose,
easily-understandable, composable units. While there is always some discourse
about how big functions should be and where to divide them, it’s easier to test
smaller chunks than bigger chunks. Consider the case of coverage-based testing
from before: the more conditionals you have to reason about, the harder your
test cases get. If your function has multiple conditional early returns, some
large if
statements, and a loop, you’re in for a rough time.
Consider also the case where you have a “compound” function that does two
things. Maybe void setAgeAndHeight(int age, int height)
. It’s not clear how
to test this function—do you write one test that tests two of its behaviors?
Write two tests, each testing one behavior? What about the complex behavior
space for valid and invalid inputs? It would be easier to test if it were split
into two functions that could be tested independently: void setAge(int age)
and void setHeight(int height)
. Then it is reasonably straightforward to
TEST(PeopleSoft, SetAgeSetsAge) {
Person person;
EXPECT_EQ(person.age(), 50);
TEST(PeopleSoft, SetHeightSetsHeight) {
Person person;
EXPECT_EQ(person.height(), 70);
And, as before, if you have a test failure in the future, the failing test should clearly point to the function that broke.
Often it is tempting to test the internals of a bit of code indirectly by calling it via another function. Maybe this is because the top-level function requires fewer parameters, or less state setup, or neatly packages up its results—whatever the reason may be, try to resist this temptation. If at all possible, call the function directly by name.
As an example, we can look at the unfortunate setAgeAndHeight
function from
earlier. Pretend it is implemented as follows:
void setAgeAndHeight(int age, int height) {
Instead of testing setAge
by calling setAgeAndHeight
and then reading the
age in the test, call setAge
directly! This can be tricky when writing
private methods. There are several ways around this, of which we recommend two.
The first is to make the method public. This is not always an option; some
methods should stay private. The second, which is not always available either,
is to use the language-specific feature that exposes private methods to tests.
C++, for example, has friend
We don’t mean to discourage you from writing integration tests—tests that run a whole suite of software as one unit to ensure that it works together—but instead encourage you to keep your unit tests unit-y.
void computeAndPrintResult()
That function does not return anything and only produces its output as an I/O
side effect. It would be easier to test if it were split into two functions
int computeResult()
and void printResult(int)
(API surface is I/O heavy and not mockable; software is fundamentally nondeterministic; etc)
Factor software for testability. Test from within, and optionally from without.
When you change your software, do you run the tests of everybody who uses your software?
There is a programming language called Rust and software tooling for Rust programmers to publish package their software into units called crates. With every release of the Rust compiler, the Rust team runs the compiler on many crates to check for regressions5.
Software engineers who write programming language infrastructure at large companies (Clang at Google and Facebook, Go at Google, HHVM at Facebook, etc) are not doing so in a vacuum; most of the time, they have an internal customer that uses their compiler or language runtime. These teams tend to also test their releases against their customers’ tests.
What do you do if you find breaking behavior surfaced by a large integration test written by your client?
The Therac-25 radiation therapy machine is a case study often used in engineering ethics courses. Due to a race condition, the machine occasionally dosed people with hundreds of times the radiation they should have received, injuring several people and killing several people. ↩
Formal verification is sometimes cited as a way to eliminate bugs altogether. After all, if your program has been mathematically proven to be correct, and if we have defined “correct” to mean “no bugs,” it by definition cannot have bugs. But there’s a flaw in this reasoning: proofs like those generated by Coq and Isabelle only prove that a program confirms to a specification that you—the person using them—provide. For example, if you write a program that returns the number 4, and you tell Coq that your program ought to return 4, there’s a pretty good chance it can prove it “correct.” But if this specification is itself inaccurate—the customer wanted the program to return the number 2, for example—or incomplete, the proof is worthless. ↩
This is a fun, if apocryphal, story underscoring the point. https://web.mit.edu/jemorris/humor/500-miles ↩
Some people take extra care to avoid this by using a technique called dependency injection and mocking the third-party functions, but the community is divided on its merits. We will talk more about this later. ↩
https://github.com/rust-lang/crater ↩